Polishing Machine

High-performance machines for the polishing of marble, granite, and other natural stone slabs. A complete line that delivers high-end quality, low maintenance, and operating cost.

WIND PREMIUM’s robust structure allows higher rigidity and reliability during the production process. All of its components go through a special treatment against oxidation, increasing their lifetime.

With precise movements and harmony in the mechanical assemblies, a high level of productivity is achieved in the polishing and lifting process.






• Heads:
1. Individual pressure and back pressure system enable better adjustment for each head and their abrasive.
2. Transmission Axis System with Vertical Displacement System, which prevents wear and tear
3. Height control of the heads to reduce the return time on the corners and cuttings;

• Conveyor Belt:
1. Equipped with four layers of high-end quality tarp
2. Process of amendment through vulcanization, becoming fundamental and incomparable in terms of quality and durability.
3. Available in diverse sizes

• Security:
1. Remote Control Emergency Shutdown
2. Sound and a light sign that reports any warnings or alarms of the machine to the operator

Tecnologia: Automação com soft start aumentando a vida útil do motor e eliminando choques mecânicos.

• Os parâmetros e dados necessários para o gerenciamento adequado do polimento são continuamente monitorados e modificáveis pelo operador;
• Gerenciamento centralizado das funcionalidades da máquina, como:
1. Controle do abrasivo em relação às bordas das chapas
2.  Exclusão total da chapa já em processamento dentro da máquina.
3.  Total de metros quadrados e horas trabalhadas desde o primeiro arranque da máquina.
Entre outros.

• Checagem e lubrificação automática em diversos pontos dos cursores, eixo de transmissão e cabeçotes, impedindo o trabalho em condições prejudiciais ao equipamento.

Accessories: The accessories for the AGF’s WIND PREMIUM Polishing Line feature an exclusive AGF Equipamentos® automation and are also designed to provide efficiency, durability, and high-end results. They are: